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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wicca Fertility Spells

Wicca Fertility Spells

Author: Rose Ariadne

In this article, I am going to give you 2 spells that will help you with issues under the umbrella of "love and fertility". I'm going to show you two real magic spells for two different things.

There are many couples and spouses that struggle with having a baby - that is a fact. Many have turned to Magick such as the spell I am going to show you below, and have consequently seen everything change very quickly...

I'll also go into another spell that will help you turn a casual relationship, and give it the extra energy it needs to take it to the next level. Be careful with it though, don't ever affect anyone's free will with a spell...

Candle Egg Fertility Spell

Create your own strong, powerful egg that will help you with fertility issues. If you are having problems getting pregnant, this spell will help.

* First make the candle mold: punch a small hole in the large end of a raw egg. Use a cuticle scissor to cut out a small circle of eggshell. (Buy a dozen eggs; you may need to practice
a bit.) Empty the egg into a bowl. Use as desired. Gently wash the inside of the eggshell with water. The membrane and all of its content need to be thoroughly removed. Allow it to dry

* Prepare the wax. (You may also add tiny fertility charms or herbs.) Use the egg carton as a holder. Place the eggshell, hole-end up, in the carton. Pour in liquid wax, reserving a little. (When it's half full, you may add tiny seed beads, charms or herbs if you choose, although the candle is effective without them.) Let the wax harden overnight.

* Next day: gently heat the reserve wax until liquid. Gently chip away the shell, exposing your candle. Heat an ice pick or similar sharp thin tool: put it through the center of the candle and quickly thread with a wick. Fill the hole with the hot wax. Decorate. Keep as an amulet or burn in a spell.

More Than a Fling Doll Spell

To turn a casual relationship into something more by tapping into your Magick energy and focusing it to bring love into your life from someone you already know :

* Cut out dolls to represent each party from an unlaundered bed sheet, stained with sexual fluids. Personalize as much as possible. Embroider or draw names onto the dolls if secrecy is
not an issue.

* Fill each poppet with love-herbs: roses, rosemary, orrisroot, heartsease, and vervain. Bind the dolls together, face to face, belly to belly, with scarlet ribbons. Slip the package under the
mattress on the side the other party usually sleeps on.

About the author:
Rose has been practicing different forms of Witchcraft for over 27 years. For more information on " magicspells that really work visit her site The Ask Rose Ariadne
Witchcraft Site"

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  • posted by Fertility Goddess @ 7:29 AM


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